logo grafiek 2022

Turkije - wereldmuziek

(3xLP) - wereldmuziek - (TURKIJE) - bioskast-rij-2)
(1) Cloarec, Jaquea (recordings) + (2) Turks ensemble 'Istanbul' o.l.v Attila Sezimbel + (3) Deben Bhattacharya (recordings)

(1) Taqasim and Layali - Cairo Tradition + (2) Sis Kebabi + (3) Songs and dances from Turkey

(1) Philips - 6586-010 (Unesco Collection) + (2) Basart Recordings / Goldstar GB-703 + (3) Philips -631-214 PL

(1 t/m 3) platen & hoezen in prima staat in plastic
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